Nature experiences belong to everyone, regardless of age, gender, culture, or current life situation. Therefore, we offer our Forest Clinic services in an accessible and equal manner.
Occupational therapist Eerika Korhonen is in charge of Oivallusvaara’s accessible services.
Our accessible Forest Clinic activities are mainly held at Sipoonkorpi National Park where we can utilise the accessible environment.
A specific trail description of our Forest Clinic in Sipoonkorpi can be found here.
Yhdenvertaista palvelua kaikille
Equal service for all
We carry the Equal Service for All label as an
indication of our willingness to develop the
physical and digital accessibility of our
services and products.

Olemme EU:n Vammaiskortti-kohde:
The assistant or support person to a holder of an EU Disability Card will always have a free access to our services when the card has the symbol A marked on it.
The assistant or support person to a holder of an EU Disability Card will always have a free access to our service.
Our tour destinations have an accessible toilet.
There is accessible parking available near our tour destinations.
We have clearly marked the information concerning the accessibility of our tours on our website.
Our entire personnel is committed to serving clients with disabilities in the best way possible.
​More information about the EU Disability Card can be found at www.vammaiskortti.fi.

Luonto kaikille
Nature for all
In 2019–2020, we participated in the Nature for All project that was jointly organised by Metsähallitus, the Finnish Paralympic Committee, and LAB University of Applied Sciences. The aim of the project was to develop the accessibility of nature tourism destinations in the Päijät-Häme and Kanta-Häme regions in Finland.
More about our experiences with this project and the pilot version of an accessible Forest Clinic is available on our blog in Finnish.