For the owners of green gold
Toimintamme ei kuulu Jokamiehen oikeuksien piiriin, koska palvelumme ovat etukäteen suunniteltua yritystoimintaa. Tästä syystä sovimme maankäytöstä aina etukäteen kun suunnittelemme Metsävastaanotto -toimintaa tai retkiä maastoon.
Toimintamme perustuu avoimeen ja kunnioittavaan yhteistyöhön metsänomistajien, metsäyhtymien, kuolinpesien, yhdistysten, kuntien, kaupunkien ja valtion kanssa. Ilman tätä yhteistyötä palveluidemme tarjoaminen ei ole mahdollista.
Our activities are based on open and respectful cooperation with forest owners, forest groups, estates, associations, municipalities, cities, and the state. Without this cooperation, our services wouldn’t be possible.
Respect for nature is the foundation of our operation. We move around in forests with minimal strain on the environment. We take away rubbish and litter. We don’t judge or criticize forest properties. We don’t make fires without the landowner’s permission. We keep our groups small (less than 25 people) and we don’t frequent the same areas or use them in a way that wears away the ground.
We adhere to the principles of sustainable travel, and as members of Green Care Finland ry, we are committed to abiding by the Green Care code of ethics.
Our activities don’t fall under ‘Everyman’s rights’, or ‘right to roam’, because our services are business operations that are planned in advance. Therefore, we always agree on land use prior to planning our Forest Clinic services or excursions to the forest.
Our company aims at promoting the use of nature environments in wellbeing services in Finland and abroad. Our purpose is to produce and transmit new information about nature-based wellbeing services.
If you have already made an agreement with us on the use of natural environments, we are very grateful to you. Without your support, we couldn’t offer our services.
If you are interested in granting us the possibility to use your forests for our services, don’t hesitate to contact us. We pay a compensation for activities taking place in private forests.
We will draw up a written contract concerning the forest areas we may use. We use a contract form that was created for a project with the Finnish Forest Centre. The form can be accessed via this link.
We prefer widespread forest areas with old trees and open spaces.
If you are interested in learning more about utilising land areas to promote the wellbeing of people, the Rural Wellbeing Entrepreneurship Coordination Project (HyvinVoi Coordination) by the Natural Resources Institute Finland offers extensive information about the topic.
You will find information about our current areas of operation here.