We provide wellbeing services that combine age-old wisdom and the healing power of nature with modern medicine.
Oivallusvaara Oy offers services promoting workplace wellbeing in forests and natural environments for workplace communities and groups of employees in support of preventive healthcare. We also provide accessible options. Our employee wellbeing services are arranged by healthcare professionals and draw on the latest research on the health benefits of nature.
Our advantage is the doctor who will accompany you into the forest.
Get to know the Finnish workplace wellbeing service of the future.

Professionals by your side in the wild.

We operate in Southern Finland, for instance, in Nuuksio and Sipoonkorpi National Parks, as well as in North Savo…
“I loved the Forest Clinic as we were sitting on those chairs, listening. And then we went under a spruce and had the opportunity to look inside the tree and just be there. This was a well-thought-out activity and people’s needs were appropriately taken into account.”
“This acted as a great reminder of the fact that you don’t have to be achieving something all the time.”
“There were enough people joining us on the trip and I felt I that could get help when I needed it.”
“It was so much better to be in the forest than attend some lecture where I would have probably fallen asleep. Thank you for your professional approach and the unhurried atmosphere. You are a wonderful team.”
“Nature and movement are medicine. You’re on the right path.”

all about me and the nature
Our workbook called “Luontoyhteys – kaikki minusta ja luonnosta” is aimed at those who are interested in spiritual growth and the benefits of nature on the mind and body.
The book was written and photographed by the founder of Oivallusvaara, occupational therapist Eerika Korhonen.​
The hardback book with 160 pages was printed in Finland and is available only in Finnish.

Tutustu meidän kehittämään tulevaisuuden työhyvinvointipalveluun eli Metsävastaanottoon.
Our Forest Clinic (Metsävastaanotto®) has the Nature Empowerment Quality Label (LuontoVoima) granted by Green Care Finland ry.

We’re constantly working on producing and developing services that are accessible to everyone, both digitally and physically.

Have a look at what media have said about the Forest Clinic.
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